FaxPress Premier WebHelp: Admin Guide > Setting Up the FaxPress Premier Server > Changing the FaxPress Premier Server's IP Address

Changing the FaxPress Premier Server’s IP Address

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The FaxPress Premier’s IP address can be set or changed five ways:

from the front panel’s LCD window.
by attaching a monitor, mouse, and keyboard directly to the Premier, logging in as administrator with password castelle, all lower case, and then setting the IP address the same way you’d change a Windows 2000 workstation’s IP address. (Start>Settings>Control Panel>Network and Dial-up Connections>Local Area Connection>Properties>Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)>Properties)
through the FaxPress Premier Web Interface. See Using the Web Client Interface for more information.
from another network workstation, using Remote Desktop. See Using Remote Desktop and Changing the FaxPress Premier’s IP Address Using Remote Desktop.
through FaxPress Plus, the Premier client’s Windows-based administration fax transaction and administration utility. The FaxPress Plus client software must be installed. See Using the System Information Functionsfor details.

Changing the IP Address Using the LCD Window (Models with 4-key Keypad)

To enter a new IP address using the Premier’s front panel LCD window, follow these steps:

1. Confirm the LCD window currently displays the Premier name and IP address.
2. Press the Esc button to move from the FaxPress name and IP address display to a window displaying the Premier’s IP address only.
3. With the FaxPress Premier’s IP address displayed, press the up arrow button to scroll through the available digits. A dot will also be displayed.
4. Select the first digit.
5. Once you’ve selected the first digit, press Enter to move the cursor to the next digit. Repeat.

If Esc is mistakenly pressed while the new IP address is being entered, press Esc again to return to the initial FaxPress Premier name and IP address display.

6. Enter the the dots between the subnets the same way you entered the numbers.
7. After specifying the last digit, press Enter, then press Enter again.
8. The Accept? screen requires you to either press Esc to return to the original IP address, or Enter to confirm the new IP address.

Changing the IP Address Using the LCD Window (Models with 5-key Keypad)

To enter a new IP address using the Premier’s front panel LCD window, follow these steps:

1. Confirm the LCD window currently displays the Premier name and IP address.
2. Press Enter to enter the ENTER IP ADDRESS screen.
3. Press Up/Down arrows to scroll through 0-9 and DOT.
4. Press Enter to confirm the digit and to move the cursor to the right and the next digit.
5. Press Enter twice to confirm IP ADDRESS.
6. The LCD screen will display ACCEPT? (ESC/Oth) and the IP ADDRESS you entered. Press Enter to accept the displayed IP ADDRESS. If you need to change the IP ADDRESS, press any of the four directional keys to re-enter the IP ADDRESS.

After pressing Enter, the Premier might take 5-10 seconds to update its IP adress on the network.

7. The Accept? screen requires you to either press any of the four directional keys to return to the original IP address, or Enter to confirm the new IP address.


FaxPress Premier WebHelp
Last Updated: 11/1/2007

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